Aermec History in north america
Aermec was brought to North America in 2008 and has continued to grow over the years. We are proud to represent Aermec in Canada as our roots are in Italian soil. Take a look and see the events that make us who we are today!
Aermec is distributed by Master Distributor Mits Airconditioning Inc. in North America.
ANKi is released in North America. Due to the popularity of the ANK heat pump, we expanded our efforts and released the ANKi which is an ANK heat pump with an inverter scroll compressor.
Remote monitoring of commercial Aermec heat pumps (over 10 tons) is introduced.
VMF (Variable Multi Flow) is released in North America. It is a management and control system for hydronic systems that provide air conditioning, heating, and the production of hot water.
The first Aermec NRB is installed in North America. The NRB replaces the Aermec NRL which provides higher efficiency and greater energy savings.
All 60 Hz chillers / heat pumps for North America have a QR code printed on the nameplate. The initiative has completely streamlined after sales service.
Aermec is selected as the winning solution for Vancouver’s City Hall. The goal of the project was to reduce carbon emissions and deemed the Aermec NRP air source heat pump as the optimal energy efficient solution.
The world’s first stackable modular chiller was created for North America. The WWM.
Aermec NYB Wins AHR Expo Innovation Award.
NRK air to water with 149°F water and the highest air to water COPs is released for the USA.
Denver Water’s Operations Complex Redevelopment selects Aermec NRKs for their project.
NYB the world’s first Modular Free Cooling Chiller is designed for North America.
NYB wins product of the year award at the MCEE (Mecanex / Cimatex / Expolectriq / Eclairage) Expo in Montreal, QC Canada.
NXP water to water and NRP air to water simultaneous heating and cooling unit is delivered to North America.
ANK unit is the first heat pump to be certified and listed on the California Energy Commission (CEC) website.
NRP Wins AHR Expo Innovation Award.
All sizes of NRL heat pumps and chillers are certified for North America. Aermec has fully arrived.
Luca Leardini becomes our Aermec Factory Representative.
NRL heat pumps enter the certification process.
Set up partners across Canada and Western USA.
First commercial Aermec heat pumps and chillers for North America. R407C Units.
Mits Airconditioning Inc. becomes the Master Distributor for Aermec in North America.
Tested 50Hz heat pumps in Canada and distributed various fan coils across Canada.